Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Next Tiger Woods

Dan has wanted to buy Kyler his own set of golf clubs for awhile now. Yesterday he decided to come home with them as a surprise for him. As you can tell Kyler was sooo excited. He literally got down and hugged the bag. Today Kyler woke up before 7a.m. because he was so excited to go golfing with his dad. We had to tell him just because he was awake it didn't mean it was time to go. Dan said he did really well. We had pictures but they seem to be lost on the memory card. I am sure they will go again soon so we will get new pictures. He is so into golf that he no longer wants to join a baseball team he just wants his dad to take him golfing.


emily said...

we'll make sure to bring Evan's clubs with us tomorrow too!