Thursday, December 2, 2010


It's kinda crazy to see how much my kids have grown. We got our new Santa photo the other day. I went to put it in the frame and started looking at the ones from years past. I couldn't get over how big Addie and Kyler are. Sometimes I wish they would slow down a little.


Jennie said...

I am so glad you wrote that it was from years past. I was truely confused who all of the kids were and why Kyler had so many outfits.

emily said...

holy cow! at first I thought the top picture was Stella and Kyler...thinking, where's Addie? So cute! (I need to scan my santa pics too...and get one with the boys this year again)

*Leslie* said...

Sooo cute! We have been going to the same Santa as you each year too - I'll have to copy you and do a post like that, it's so cute to see all the years together. I'm with you- sure wish they'd slow it down and stay little!