Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Day to Give Thanks

This Thanksgiving, I would like to say I am grateful for how blessed I am.  I am so grateful for my wonderful family.  My husband is the best he is so supportive of all I do and he loves me and our kids more than I could ever ask for.  Our children are healthy and happy.  They always provide entertainment which I am so grateful for!  Our parents and other extended family are always there for us.  We are very blessed to have wonderful friends both near and far.  Thank you to our friends for always being there!  I am extremely grateful for the gospel.  I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and for His son Jesus Christ who gave up everything that we might live.   I am overwhelmed by the gratitude to our Heavenly Father for the freedom which we enjoy!  The right He has given us in this country to practice as we choose.  And last, I am grateful for the first Thanksgiving.  I am grateful for the tradition that was start which gives a day dedicated to being grateful and turning our hearts to what we can do to help others!  I hope everyone has a blessed holiday!


The Orgill Family said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

emily said...

We are so blessed to have you as friends! Thank you for the kind words this past means more than you will ever know...AND I still have your bowl. Let's use this as an excuse to let the boys run wild for an hour while we gab.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Emily, Chris and Evan