Friday, November 21, 2008

Kyler's Imagination

Kyler loves to build things out of household items. He lines up our dining room chairs to make a train. Takes the cushions off of the couch to build a house. Today he used our papasan cushions to make beds for him and Addie in the dining room. As you can see he even got out pillows and blankets to make their beds more comfy! I love where his imagination takes him even though it usually means a mess for me to clean at the end of the day!


blake and mckelle said...

Your kids are too cute! and we'd totally go with you guys to body was amazing!

Windybrook Spinner said...

boo to the constant mess, but yea for the great imagination of children.

Jodi Nelson said...

That is the kind of fun kids should have, right?! :0) Very fun.