Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We've Been Tagged!

1.How did you meet your spouse?
We met in Chicago while he was on his mission. Shortly after, I moved out to Provo.

2.Where did you go on your first date?
We went shopping in Park City and then I made dinner for Dan. We also went to a movie that night.

3.How long have you been together.
This year we are going to have our five year wedding anniversary. We also dated for just under a year before we were married.

4.Who eats more?
It depends. I swear when I am pregnant or nursing I do.

5.Who said I love you first?
Dan said it first but that doesn't mean I wasn't thinking it first!

6.Who is taller?
Dan is by three inches.

7.Who sings better?
I hate to say this but we both stink!

8.Who is smarter?
Dan is smarter. I swear you lose your marbles when you have kids.

9.Who does the laundry?
Dan usually does the washing and I do the folding and putting away.

10.Who does the dishes?
I am happy to say that we take turns.

11.Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
If you are talking about once we are in bed, Dan is on the right.

12.Who pays the bills?
Dan pays the bills. That took some getting used to when we got married because I was so used to doing everything on my own.

13.Who mows the lawn?
Dan mows the lawn. Although when we first moved in our house I did quite a bit. I had never mowed a lawn before and found it fun.

14.Who cooks dinner?
We both do. Dan actually enjoys cooking and trying new recipes.

15.Who drives when you are together?
Dan does he enjoys driving more than I do.

16.Who is more stubborn?
That is definitely me!

17.Who is the first to admit they're wrong?
We are both about the same.

18.Whose parents do you see the most?
His because mine still live in Chicago.

19.Who kissed who first?
Dan kissed me first.

20.Who proposed?
Dan did outside of the salt lake temple.

21.Who has more friends?
I do because I try harder to keep in touch.

22.Who has more siblings?
Dan does, he has three brothers and one sister. It is just me, my brother, and my stepsister.

23. Who wears the pants in the family?
We both do except for Sunday when I wear a skirt!


Jac said...

Did you really post at 6:35 am?! So glad to know of your blog! I am putting you on "My peeps" as we speak!

Unknown said...

Very fun to read. How come your blog doesn't have a "Shaklee" link, what's with that?? :0)

Unknown said...

There Mr. Whiny, your link is now on my blog.