Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

The kids were so excited about their costumes this year. We went to the Harry Potter exhibit in Chicago and Kyler saw the costume there and was so excited. Addie is just starting to get into Princess movies and playing dress up. She loves Snow White and Beauty and the Beast. We had fun trick or treating this year. It was Addie's first year understanding the concept. Now that Kyler is getting older, he just wanted to keep going. In the end we got way too much candy!


Windybrook Spinner said...

C wanted to keep going too, but it was getting too cold for me and A, so we went home. Now he's so grumpy about wanting to eat candy that I am glad we didn't go out and get more!

Jennie said...

Cute costumes.

Stacie said...

They look so great! Oh and Addie, I want to eat her up. I"m glad you all had a good Halloween. And I am so tempted to eat all of Abbie's candy.

*Leslie* said...

Your family looked so great for Halloween. I love the picture in your last post of Addie with the bubbles, that's adorable.