Tuesday, March 15, 2011

6 Months Already!

I am sad my time with Stella as a baby is flying by. We went in for her 6 month appointment and she now in the 50th percentile for weigh at 15 lbs. 9 oz. She is in the 98th percentile for height at 27.75 in. The doctor said she is long and skinny. She is still a needy baby. With her being our last, I am happy to hold her so it works for both of us. At night when she gets fussy she is starting to want only me. Poor Dan when I am not home on Tuesdays. She is loving food. She can sleep anywhere. She even fell asleep in her jumper the other night. She likes chewing on blankets and burp clothes. She is almost ready to crawl. She does this thing where she rotates on her tummy. Stay tuned for her 6 month photos that Emilie took today!