Thursday, February 5, 2009

7 Things About Me!

7 things I want to do before I die
1. go to Europe
2. see my children have children
3. take Dan to a Steelers game
4. see the Cubs finally win a world series
5. serve a lds mission with Dan
6. go to all fifty states (only 31 to go)
7. run a half marathon
7 things I cannot do
1. stop eating junk food.
2. drive a stick shift car
3. sew very well
4. stay mad
5. play video games very well
6. stop shopping
7. think of more things for this list
7 things that attracted me to my spouse
1. his good looks
2. his sense of humor
3. the way he treats me
4. he is so giving
5. his dedication to our church
6. the way he treated little kids ( I knew he would be a good dad)
7. his craziness
7 things I look forward to everyday
1. Kyler crawling in our bed in the morning
2. Addie's smiling face
3. spending time with my family
4. the fact that I get to stay at home with my kids
5. as much as I love the kids, bedtime so I can have some quiet time
6. how much my kids and husband make me laugh everyday
7. see or talking to friends
7 tv shows I love
1. 24
2. the amazing race
3. Grey's anatomy
4. friends ( I can watch that show over and over)
5. pysch
7. project runway
7 movies I could watch over and over
1. Ever After
2. Sweet Home Alabama
3. The Wedding Planner
4. Pretty in Pink
5. Sleepless in Seattle
6. High School Musical 1 and 2 (it's a good thing I can cause the kids love to watch them a lot)
7. which ever movie Kyler is stuck on for the week
7 sites i visit everyday
1. my blog
2. facebook
3. friend's blogs when they have updated
4. hotmail
5. to look at young women stuff
6. pottery barn kids to look for new sales
7. baby gap
Now I tag Hillory, Jennie, Laena, Jackie, Tiffany, Shontel and Emily